How many ‘players of the game’ do you see?

Look at the picture above, how many ‘players can you identify?  Listed below are a few that you should see immediately.

  • weapon first
  • angle
  • direction
  • shooters stance
  • feet to the core of attacker
  • anatomical alignment
  • wave form
  • quadrant
  • tongue to the roof of the mouth
  • weight evenly distributed on both feet
  • mind, breath, body
  • power zone
  • all weapons in the fight

…okay, did you get all that?  Feel free to post others and questions on our facebook pages.

How to Avoid the 5 Worst Mistakes Martial Artists Can Make in Their Training

I’m going to share with you how to avoid the 5 worst mistakes I have seen martial artists with their training.  As a professional martial artists myself, I have a unique advantage point that allows me to see things the average practitioner doesn’t see until making one of these mistakes.

The most striking observation I could share with you is that there are a few training mistakes that are made by martial artists (of all styles) over and over.  Some are merely an annoyance, and others can change the nature of their self defense knowledge and skill.  Most can be easily avoided just by knowing what they are.  That is my hope for you as you read this special report.

Instead of making this into a boring, formal report, I’d like to write to you as if we are talking together about your future in the martial arts – as we do all the time with our DSI Members.  In the end, this really is about your training.  So grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s get started…

This special report isn’t long enough to get into lots of details from the experience of other martial artists, but we will look in summary form at the most common mistakes martial artists make so that you can avoid doing the same things.

I’d like to start with a question…

After years of working out, of squeezing your training in around your job, or running your own martial arts school, the endless distractions and daily frustrations – are you confident after taking that last class – you are learning what martial arts was intended?

No, I don’t mean whether you learned a proper block, punch and kick. I hope you’ve got those mechanics down cold.

I am asking if you are knowledgeable enough in the Martial Science department  to be sure all the years of training have served you well?  Or, if you are just starting in martial arts or mixed martial arts, understand how to make the best training choices for you.

These are the questions you need to begin to ask yourself now:

  • What are you investing in your training?
  • Who’s advice and expertise do you rely on for your training?
  • How can you avoid making serious mistakes with what is one of the largest parts of your time and money?
  • How can you make your training grow in a way that is safe and effective?
  • What type of martial artists do you want to look like 5-10-20 years from now?
  • What are the most common mistakes others have made?

Let’s look at your desired end…

Imagine for a moment that you are already a member of Dragon Society International and the martial artist you’ve always wanted to be.  You’re looking back on your first year – all the way back to today.  It’s been a good year. No, make that a great year.   Your experience and momentum have changed, for one thing.  You have time for those things that matter most in your life and your not wasting it on training that won’t support the goals you’ve set for yourself.

You think about your training. You smile.  You avoided the worst mistakes many martial artists you know made. But you’ve done more than avoid mistakes.  Your smile grows. It’s investing in yourself. It’s growing your martial science knowledge.  “Why did I wait so long to do this? you ask.

Now, jump ahead a few years…

You are content with your training – enjoying every moment of it with intensity and purpose.  The smile is back.  You look forward towards the future with a strong feeling of accomplishment.  You are now a  DSI Certified Instructor, desired all throughout the martial arts world.  And your students who you train now know you are an authority on the subject of martial science.  They know exactly who to learn the art and skill to better themselves…without hesitation. You can now look back and feel confident that you made the right decision in your training.

This can be You!

I write that last sentence with confidence because DSI has walked many martial artists through the process in their own training.  The description above comes directly from the comments I hear regularly from DSI members and Certified Instructors.  Most importantly, it can describe you too.

That’s if you avoid the mistakes most martial artists make in their training.  And beyond avoiding mistakes, you want your training to grow and increase in a way that can change the rest of your life.

So, let’s take a look at “The 5 Worst Mistakes Martial Artists Make in Their Training.”

Worst Mistake #1
Waiting Too Long to Learn the “How” and “Why” of Your Art

Have you been training for a while?  How you ever wondered why your instructor did certain things?  Were you not allowed to question him or her?  Are there certain moves or self defense techniques that just do not make sense or feel natural?

Dragon Society International explains and those questions plagued by martial artists of all styles. Especially the “How” and “Why” to any art.  It is in the mechanics and principles that unravel the mystery of why we move here or punch there. DSI is your blueprint of martial science.

Worst Mistake #2
Listening to Way Too Many Differing Opinions as to Which Art is Superior

The most superior art is the one that works for you.  The one you feel most natural doing. Why should you change something that works for you and your ability?  You shouldn’t.  No matter what influences you see around you, your art is who you are.  It’s a part of you.  It resonates with you.  Don’t change it.  Improve on your art.  That is what DSI brings to the table.  Enhancement of your existing art.

Worst Mistake #3
Piloting Your training Solo

There are many basement and garage practitioners trying to figure the Martial Arts out on their own.  Their is a home for you, if you are one of them and feel like you can’t mesh with any style.  DSI principles and ‘players to the game’ will reassure your love of the martial arts and still give you the freedom to learn the way you want to…without boundaries!

Worst Mistake #4
Failing to Take Full Advantage of Information

What happens when you do take action on the info you are given?  You do take advantage of the information you’ve learned up until this point…don’t you?  We can’t make you train, but we can give you unparalleled information and support that goes along with DSI and your training.

Worst Mistake #5
Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Expecting Different Results

I have read that this is the definition of insanity.  You aren’t satisfied with your level of self defense but instead you do nothing to change it.  Instead, you follow along blindly hoping for enlightenment.  That day will not come unless you take advantage of opportunities for your own training. DSI works with martial artists who’s training has gotten ‘stuck’ for lack of a better term, build them up, and now they have become our greatest success stories.

Ok, time for a pop quiz:  How many of these mistakes would you have avoided?  Will you avoid?

The good news is you now know of the “Top 5 Worst Mistakes Martial Artists Make with their Training.”

The bad news is that there is no shortage of ways to make mistakes.  If space permitted, we could cover a pile more.  Never-the-less, this is a good place to start your thinking.

There’s one thing this post cannot do…

That’s to evaluate your individual situation – where you are in your training and where you want to take it.

There are several benefits to becoming a DSI member:

  • Answer your questions
  • Help you get in touch with like-minded martial artists who love martial science as much as you do.
  • Provide you with the information necessary to empower your skills and improve your training.
  • Show you ways to become a professional martial artists with Certified Training and business know-how.

I wish you mistake free training!  I hope you have enjoyed this post and I look forward to seeing you at DSI seminars and special events.

Reality in Martial Arts Training

“We train hard so the fight is easy” – unknown.

During the past several years much time has been spent analyzing and rechecking martial art theories and applications in a hope that we can provide our group with a better plan for self defense and training applications.  One of the biggest obstacles that I have experienced is the wide range of talents and use of terminology.  What one group of martial artists considers “intense” another group would break a rib laughing at.  Think for a moment of the diversity of martial artists out there.  We have everything from blue-collar, heavy duty construction workers and submission fighters to white collar, office personnel whose biggest threat of the day is a paper cut.

Each has their own predetermined idea of what an intense workout is, and what a threat is.  I guarantee you that the two ideas are far removed from each other.

I run into schools and associations whose idea of an intense workout is cardio karate class with a gi on, and the next week I see a school where if there isn’t heavy bruising and blood loss it doesn’t count as a workout.

Reality checks are still one of the most humbling experiences out there and we all need them.   Most people get only one point of reference during their training.  Their only reality check is within the dojo and what ‘sensei’ tells them.

Both points are severely flawed.

‘Sensei’ can only teach you what he/she knows and has experienced and dojo is full of ‘dojo compliance’ and ‘politeness’.  These three things greatly inhibit growth and safety while filling the martial artist with a severe case of false security.  Run this simple test in your mind or dojo.  Try your techniques with a bigger, faster, opponent that is really trying to get you.  If you feel that it did not work or that you could only get it to work 50% of the time, you have a real problem on your hands.  Reality bites and is very unforgiving.  You have to decide whether you are willing to bet your life on ‘Sensei’s’ life experiences and dojo compliance when someone really latches on with intent.  Theories and mind games are okay, but when the attacker has you by the throat, and your lights are starting to go out, you may wish that you had spent a little more time in the real world of training.

Now, that does not mean that you go out and join a submission school or train with Army Rangers.  It just means that you push your envelope, question everything, and be honest with yourself.  Ask yourself, “Will this work for me when my life is on the line?” The fact that ‘Sensei’ says, and can do it will have no importance to you when you are about to get stomped.  If it doesn’t work for you on at least 90% of the people, 90% of the time, then it is a real bad bet on your part.  The undisputed truth of the matter remains as it always will, if you wish to learn to fight or defend yourself, you must engage in training as close to real fighting as your body can tolerate.  The harder you train, the more punishment you can withstand, the greater your chance of victory or survival.

The Truths and Myths of Pressure Point Science

Pursuant with recent discussion of why people are having trouble making pressure points work for them.  I believe the root of the problem lies in the original premises under which they are operating.  I recently did a full four hour seminar debunking some of the misinformation that has been distributed on pressure point theory.  During the seminar I demonstrated how each of the following myths are simply not true and any knowledgeable pressure point expert, acupuncturist or neurologist could easily supply you with information validating what I am saying.

The other thing that really amazes me in that people will take information at face value and not test it.  All you need to when someone tells you something about pressure point work is simply go out on the mat and test it.  Either you can make it work right then with the ‘expert’ helping you or the data is false.  Now, if nine out of ten people are making it work and you cannot, it may be that your martial arts skills need some work.  Anyway, here are some ‘pressure point principles’ that are easily myths:

  • Energy flows down the outside of the arm to the hand, across to the thumb and back up the inside of the arm.
  • Triple Heater #11 is a rub point and not a strike point.
  • 1 point causes pain, 2 points cause pain in the middle, 3 points cause a knockout, 4 points cause death.
  • GB-20 does not work if you bend at the waist.
  • Energy flows exactly opposite in a female.
  • You cannot generate enough energy with an elbow strike if you deliver it above shoulder level.
  • The way pressure points work changes if you are on the ground.
  • Meridians change elements when struck.
  • Meridians change polarity when hit.
  • Pressure points work better if you use your right arm to strike your opponent’s right side.
  • It makes a difference when you strike you opponent if you use a yin hand versus a yang hand.
  • Strike all points 45 degrees.
  • What makes pressure points work is nerve endings.
  • Stretching the nerve and striking it causes a knockout for pressure points to work.
  • Strike people on their elemental strong meridian.  (example: strike wood people on wood points)
  • Strike points opposite on females
  • When making active pressure points, some are rub points and some are strike points.
  • The five element science does not apply to pressure point work.
  • People in really good shape are easier to knockout.
  • Wherever a nerve crosses or branches is a strike point.
  • Raising the big toe is necessary to make energy strikes work.
  • When striking your opponent’s head, you must place your other hand on the opposite side of their head to stop energy from escaping, thus neutralizing the KO.
  • You must strike your opponent’s left side of the head with a palm strike and the right side with a closed fist strike or the energy of the strike will not work.

There are more myths out there, but you get the idea.  People are building their training, art and self defense programs based on some of these myths.  When the time comes to  use these techniques, they are going to rudely awakened and disappointed because they will not work.   What baffles me  is why did someone put this misinformation out there in the first place?  Was it because they just don’t know any better? or just did not want  people to learn? Are they mistaken in their research and development.  We may never know.

Some of My Favorite Pressure Points

Leg Attack Points ST 39 and GB 36

I want to discuss one of my favorite leg attacks.  The points below the knee at ST-39 and GB-36.  The attack works because of the ‘wood attacks earth’ part of our five element science.  The angle will come from the front at a 45 degree angle toward the core of the body.  The kick to these points is best done with the ball of the foot.  All you have to do is line up the kick so that all the foot makes contact with this combination at the same time.  This will insure proper angle of the attack.  Be careful!  A blow with 50 psi is adequate to do damage if you follow these instructions.

I normally demonstrate this combination in seminars  by striking these points with my knuckles with about 10 psi.  This normally causes the leg to buckle.  This slight amount of pressure is enough to properly demonstrate the power of this science and its proper application.  Once you locate the points, work on different angle kicks to activate them.  As I said earlier, the easiest is the ball kick, but it can be done from another angle with a shin kick. I have seen kicks to this area break legs in competitions so make sure that you give this technique the proper respect it deserves.


Point CV-24

Intersection-jiaohui point of the foot yang ming stomach and hand yang ming large intestine channels and the conception and governing vessels; 8th of the 13 ghost points.  Add to that the mechanical effect of the blow coupled with the neurological shock and we get an easy knockout when the point is struck in and down at a 45 degree angle.  Striking weapon can be anything from a dropping palm heal to an overhand looping punch.  Secondary effects include a dislocated jaw if your opponent does not have his jaw tight upon impact.


Point CV-17

Meeting- hui point of the qi; intersection-jiaohui point of the foot, tai yin spleen, foot shao yin kidney, hand tai yang, small intestine, and hand- shao -yang, triple burner channels and the conception vessel; alarm-mu point of the pericardium.

As you can see from the description of the point, this is a highly energetic point often ignored because it lies on the breastbone.  The structural damage may be limited due to all the bone, however, the energetic damage can be immense.

This point will react to any stimulus to the yin meridians so it becomes an excellent choice for a secondary strike after parrying the arm or kicking the inside of the leg.

A phenomenon that occurs in every martial arts school

I would like to address a phenomenon that occurs in every martial arts school. The instructor cares more about the development of the student than the student does.  I constantly see instructors working their butt off trying to get students to ‘do it right’.  Instructors will spend more time trying to get the non-conformers to do it right that they will helping the ones who are doing it right.

There are some wise old sayings that become more brilliant as I get older.  See if you recognize any of these:

  • The strong will survive.
  • The weak will always be with us.
  • When the student is ready to learn the master will arrive.
  • People learn one of three ways; they see, they listen, or they feel.
  • When all else fails to teach, pain will teach.
  • Everyone in the martial arts is not destined to be a Black Belt.
  • When we stop learning, we start dying.

Why am I taking time to share this?  I need to tell our instructors that it is okay to hold to their standards and not ‘sell out.’ It is okay for them to have students who do not make the grade.  and it is okay to tell students that they are not ready yet for a promotion, next belt rank etc.

It is a lot better to do that, being truthful with the student as he is developing  and to hold the student to a high standard that to have the student come before the testing board and be crushed by the outcome.

I want to share a personal story; Many years ago a private student of mine insisted on doing it ‘his way’ because it was easier for him.  He had less that six months study and I have over 35+ years.  One of us has a deeper understanding  of the martial arts.

He kept asking;

“Why am I not progressing?
Why do you always defeat me so easily?
Why don’t my techniques have the power yours do?
Why am I always off-balance?”

Easy answer.  ‘His way’ is not the martial arts way. He cannot see beyond his limited scope.  He does not have the advantage of 30 years of experience. He cannot see what is coming next.  He fights on one plane not knowing that seven other planes exist.  He couldn’t deal with what he did not know or recognize. His biggest opponent was himself and ‘his way.’

I am patiently watching.  Pain is teaching and it is a slow, painful, agonizing process. He will either get strong, learn or fail.  Either way will be okay.  Such is life, all are not destined to be black belts.

Pericardium 6 – An Idiot vs. A Master

Seminar attendees often ask me why I spend so much time on arm points and stances.  It is because humans normally attack with their hands and the points of the arm below the elbow are very important to setting up point combinations that will render the attacker helpless.

Making sure that stances are correct insures that you will be able to withstand the unseen low kick and allows you to transfer energy properly.

That being said, let’s take a look at the point combinations that can be used from a latch onto PC-6, Pericardium 6.

The following points on the body will be greatly influenced by your activation PC-6; CV-14, CV-24, LI-18, ST-9, KI-8, LI-10, LI-11 and GB-20.

So you can easily see why we must learn to deal with the first available target being the arm, and then proceed to the secondary target on the body, which will have been weakened by our intitial stiumulus.

Many naive martial artists believe that pressure point work only involves finding where the deadly points are and hitting them.  There is nothing further from the truth.

The ‘Master’ will utilize one point to set up the next and truly demonstrate the art.  Any idiot can go and buy an acupunture book and find out where sensitive points are and hit them.

The idiot’s approach fails when he connot hit the moving target and cannot deal with the arms in his way.

The ‘Master’ uses the arm points to establish a pathway to the sensitive points allowing an easy victory over his enemy.

You must learn the science and deal with the real world scenarios.

REAL enemies have arms and move in combat.

REAL enemies are durable and can withstand impact to their bodies.

Most martial artists are incapable of delivering enough force from their punches to defeat their enemies without the blow striking a sensitive point (pressure point).

Angle of Attack for the Most Destructive Power

Usually people relate this ‘player to the game’ to the angle the pressure point must be struck in order to transfer energy into the meridian.  Our DSI  pressure point charts show the angle necessary to inject energy or strike the point that will provide the least amount of resistance to the meridian core.

This basic ‘player’ is easily seen and demonstrated by the novice who has charts.  It is a key player in the core understanding of what we do.  That being said, lets look at this ‘player’ from a mechanical  application.

Every technique should be analyzed for its angle of attack to the attacker’s core.  It should be the goal of every technique to place you in a position that you could access the core of your attacker.

Take a quick look at the video clip in our ‘Instant Knockout’ Video here

One of the points highlighted is for stomach 5.  Now try to apply that stike to your own techniques.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Look at the position your technique puts you in.
  • What position is your attacker in when doing the technique?
  • Can you reach the attackers core?

Your job is to address any stimulus in such a manner that puts you in the best position to reach your attacker’s core with the least amount of threat. In other words, do not do a wrist grab with a release point ready to hit stomach 5 but that will place you in direct line of fire from the off side hand.

Choose the release point on the other side of hand that will put you on the outside… out of the line of fire.

Always try to egress into the attack at an angle that will negate the natural anatomical strength of your opponent.  This is usually done from the outside in toward the core of your attacker.  By pressing  the attack forward, you stop their rooting and stability along with ability to generate the energy wave form.